CCS 100

The purpose of the CCS 100 is to build financial stability through three-year commitments of $1,000 or more annually. This critical group of donors believe in the mission of Charlottesville Catholic School. Their commitments offer an increased financial foundation that allows us to plan more confidently for the future because of their long-term commitment.

  • St. Michael the Archangel Society ($10,000+ per year)
  • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Society ($5,000 per year)
  • St. Jean-Baptiste de la Salle Society ($2,500 per year)
  • St. John Bosco Society $1,000 per year)

Charlottesville Catholic School is grateful to the members of the CCS 100 for this special support, and invites this group to a special annual reception honoring the CCS 100 membership’s commitment to the School, and presents an informative presentation about how the school is moving forward to achieve its goals.